9 Ways to Fake a Clean House
Hi friends! How are you today? I've got a confession for you: My house is not very clean. Ok, it looks presentable, and I think a lot of folks would even view me as a "good housekeeper" (I kinda hate that term), but it's not deep clean. I wouldn't want you to look too closely. Please don't look under the couch cushions or run your finger along our bookshelves, and for heaven's sake, don't shake our curtains or you'll be enveloped in a dust storm. I'm really good at keeping our house tidy, though, and employ a few tricks to make it look clean. Here's how you, too, can fake a clean house.
- Put vacuum tracks in the carpet. Yes, this requires you to run the vaccum which has the added bonus of actually ridding your house of dust and dirt, but it's those lines that fake people out. You don't have to tell people you didn't bother to get behind the couch.
Source - Make the beds. This is a chore I never skip. I don't even feel like my day has started until I've made the beds. If your bed is always made, you'll probably be more likely to put your clothes away, clear off the nightstand, and other things that keep your house tidy.
Source - Pick up clutter. Yes, I realize there's a big difference between tidying up and cleaning, but to the average guest in your home, tidiness gives the illusion of clean. Check out all the ways I stay organized around our house.
Source - Use toilet tabs. I hate to clean the bathroom. Like, I loathe it. Toilet tabs that you drop in the tank help keep the toilets looking fresh a little longer, though, so I don't have to clean them as often.
- Use lavender. Mrs. Meyer's all-purpose cleaner in lavender, diluted with water or vinegar, smells sooooo awesome and clean. Just giving your sinks and counters a wipe-down with this stuff makes your house seem clean, even if crumbs are still lurking beneath the toaster.
- Open a window or two. There's nothing like a little air movement to help give the illusion of a clean house, too. You can banish cooking odors and stagnation with an open door, and oh! Sometimes a little breeze blows the dust bunnies out from their hiding places so you can scoop them up. Bonus!
- Buy some fresh flowers. Clutter-free counter tops with just a vase of flowers makes it look like you have your act together.
Source - Use scented candles. Again, scent goes a long way to conveying the idea of clean. I like to use baking scents in the fall and winter, and lighter florals in the spring and summer. I try to stay away from anything that's obviously a manufactured scent and go with something that seems more natural.
- Sweep the front walk or porch. If the first impression you give guests is a dirty one, chances are that impression will carry over to the inside of your house, too. Sweep obvious dirt, leaves and debris away from your front door, and it won't follow people in. Literally.
And in case you want a truly clean house:
10 Tricks for a Clean House
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