Decorating for Spring

Yes, we've had 80 degree days here in northern Ohio already this year, but call me crazy, that just felt a little freakish. I prefer seasons to feel like they should, thank you very much. This week, the wind is cold but the sun is shining, and all is as it should be in April. So, the girls and I pulled on some rain boots and jackets, and armed with scissors, my camera, and a basket, we trekked out to the back yard to cut some daffodils.

As the girlies have gotten older, devoting time to my projects and pasttimes has gotten a little easier (in some ways.) That is, I no longer have to figure out how to do everything one-armed because I have a baby on my hip; however, I DO have to worry about their safety as they get braver and more independent, and I DO have to break up squabbles more often. (As in, "Mama! I sat on the counter the last time we baked. It's MY turn to stand on the chair!") But nevertheless, I love to involve them when I can, and turn my projects into a family outing whenever possible, even if it's just to the back yard. Let's face it, I can do something I want and not feel selfish about it if they're having fun, too.

The girls let me pose them for a bunch of pictures, but this one was totally an accident. Their boots by the basket full of daffodils was just too perfect.

And here's the before and after pic of our almost-done entryway with the mirror that's the right scale and a shelf my sister-in-law gave me that we hung at console height (thanks, Meliss!) The trunk is a family treasure that I plan on updating with a new cushion and new hardware. But the real reason I'm sharing this with you is to show off the daffodils that were all from our yard.

Finally, here's the mantel I mentioned in yesterday's post about the "nesting" bowl.

It's not perfect, but I love how the frame turned out (I just spray painted it blue and balanced a nest in the corner) and the pussy willows are simple and spring-y.

So...we love walking around the yard and looking for spring flowers and other little green things...what do you like to do with your kids in the spring?

P.S. This project attended Domestically Speaking's Power of Paint Party.


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